Brownfield Redevelopment

Wactor & Wick LLP

WELG operates a broad brownfield practice assisting real estate developers, corporations and financial institutions in transforming contaminated land into useful, productive, and environmentally-safe projects.  We work closely with government agencies, environmental insurers and consultants in the brownfields industry to assess and manage the cost uncertanties and liability risks inherent with cleanup, risk reduction and redevelopment efforts.  

We have successfully negotiated dozens of liability shifting contracts instrumental to making these projects work, such as: Prospective Purchaser Agreements, Covenants Not to Sue, Consent Decrees, No Further Action Letters, Certificates of Completion, Voluntary Cleanup Agreements, and Comfort Letters with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, California Department of Toxic Substances Control, Regional Water Quality Control Boards, Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, Washington Department of Ecology, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and other agencies, Environmental Insurance Policies, Private Contractual Releases, Indemnities, Escrow Accounts, Fixed Price Cleanup Agreements, and the like.  

Representative projects include:

  • Electronics manufacturing plant to hospital;
  • Landfills to office parks, shopping centers and big box retail;
  • Sewage spreading grounds to housing;
  • Oil fields to housing;
  • Steel plants to apartments and shopping centers;
  • Drum recycling operation to parkland;
  • Gas stations to retail and apartments;
  • Defense plant to shopping center; and
  • Inner city blocks to new mixed use developments.