Government Agencies

Wactor & Wick LLP

WELG attorneys have extensive experience working with government agencies including Federal Agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, Army Corps of Engineers, Fish & Wildlife Service, Department of Interior, Forest Service, and Department of Justice; State Agencies such as the Department of Toxic Substances Control, State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards, Air Resources Board, Flood Control Board, Office of Emergency Services, Pesticide Control Board, Secretary of State, CalEPA, Washington Department of Ecology, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Nevada Division of Environmental Protection, and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality; and Local Agencies such as the Alameda County Water District, City of Alameda, City of Oakland, City of Brisbane, City and County of San Francisco, City of Los Angeles, City of Riverside, Stockton, City of Long Beach, San Diego Air Pollution Control District, San Diego Municipal Industrial Wastewater Program, South Coast Air Quality Management District, San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, and others.